Arabian Falcon Holding has an ‘open door’ policy and welcomes dialogue with businesses engaged in our sectors of interest and actively looking for growth opportunities in the UAE. The companies likely to join our portfolio will typically have the following attributes:

  • Strong and committed leadership
  • Product or service innovation (how unique is your offer, in reality?)
  • A clear ambition and vision
  • Sustainability initiatives
  • A real and conducive market
  • A willingness to undergo and deliver digital transformation

When you reach out, a formal due diligence process will follow. The process will cover financial, reputational & technical due diligence.

With these factors in place, our management team can decide on the style of collaboration and the type of strategic partnership best suited to facilitate future growth

How We Can Work Together

Strategic Partnerships

Partnership with Arabian Falcon Holding brings a raft of benefits, as companies can leverage our prestigious suite of Royal and Government patronages in order to accelerate growth and market opportunity. Partnerships are available via various commercial models, reflecting the scale and requirements of every organization.

Asset Monetization

Arabian Falcon Holdings’ real estate is a primary asset, and we invite stakeholders to take full advantage of these premium land plots. We are always sourcing and welcoming companies, providing scope for their development and growth – and our rates offer significant value.

Facilitating Regulatory Approvals

If you are seeking market entry, we can facilitate the necessary approvals – this will be particularly beneficial if you are involved in sectors such as, eg, banking and finance, where we can guide you through the regulatory requirements and secure the necessary operating licenses.

Your Opportunity

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